Remote managed services are gaining a lot of attraction these days. Companies are looking to outsource the maintenance and monitoring of their IT infrastructure to a third party to improve efficiency and save costs. caught up with Uday Challu, founding partner and CEO, iYogi, to see what the company has to offer in this space.

As far as Enterprise and SME customers are concerned, which verticals are you focusing on?

Our focus will mostly be on small companies with around five to 100 users and also firms that have multiple small branch offices like travel agencies, retail stores etc.

What kind of support services do you provide to your customers? What is the Green PC service?

iYogi provides the next generation of remote computer support services for consumers and businesses. For consumers, our live 24/7 support extends to technologies we use everyday, including hardware, software applications, devices, peripherals and networking equipment. iYogi also offers a full range of business IT solutions including managed monitoring, managed services, set-up and installation services, and incident-based services.

Green PC Service

With the current state of the global climate and increasing dependency on the computer, iYogi helps PC users reduce their carbon footprint and save money at the same time. iYogi’s Green PC service is the first in the independent computer support industry to offer customers a way to save money, conserve energy and protect the environment by optimising their PC’s efficiency. Consumers and businesses can save up to $200 per year, per desktop, in energy costs with iYogi’s Green PC application. This green application makes the computer environmentally friendly by reducing power consumption by almost 50 percent.

Our Green PC dashboard helps customise power settings and calculate power savings in kWh (kilowatt hour). The Green PC dashboard also gives a status on the reduction of CO2 and how responsible usage will benefit the environment by saving trees. A customised service that increases the energy efficiency of computers, undertakes the below-mentioned three primary initiatives:

- Computer assessment, analysing settings and PC energy use
- Customised efficiency planning geared specifically to the individual’s usage patterns
- Implementing setting changes to maximise the computer’s energy use

What are the technologies that allow you to offer 24/7 support and ensure there is no downtime at the client site?

We have invested significantly in developing a comprehensive monitoring and management tools stack. This enables us to manage and monitor all devices in the office network as well as for branch offices and mobile users. Our tools continuously monitor the customer’s network and notify our NOC (Network Operations Centre) in case of problems. Based on the set of events, tickets are automatically generated and escalated to corresponding teams. Over and above our proactive approach, the customer always has an option to call our 24X7 support line for issues that are not identified via the monitoring tools.

Please throw some light on your proprietary iMantra technology.

iMantra is a CRM system, which is tailor-made to suit the emerging business needs at iYogi. It allows for the formation of individualised customer relationships with the aim of providing personalised services to each subscriber. This tool is built on the latest java technology with a layered architecture that makes it scalable and secure. This architecture provides a seamless workflow and independent channels for various business needs: sales, support, quality and customer service. The entire system can be exposed in the form of secure APIs and Web services, which makes it a re-usable entity.

Your business model is similar to BPOs in India providing technical support to offshore customers. What unique values do you bring to this ecosystem that would help a potential client choose you over a competitor?

iYogi’s business model is different from traditional BPOs. Some key factors that differentiate iYogi include:

- Direct-to-consumer and -small business: iYogi delivers technical support services directly to consumers and small businesses and is a global technical support brand based out of India. Unlike traditional BPOs in India, iYogi does not provide any private label support and/ or work on behalf of large OEMs or software publishers.

- Optimised Processes: iYogi has developed proprietary processes for consistently delivering on a resolution rate of 87 percent, which is among the highest published benchmarks in the support industry, where averages hover in the range of 50 percent.

- Comprehensive technology platform: iYogi’s global delivery platform, iMantra, gets smarter with every customer interaction. It documents every problem, the solution and relevant hardware and software aspects, while capturing each customer’s demographic information and creating a behavioural profile. All of this information is at the fingertips of iYogi’s Global Tech Experts. This set-up combines a knowledge base with a comprehensive set of tools and technology expertise. iYogi offers a range of tools that complement its remote support services for helping customers maintain technology at peak performance levels. iYogi’s products include iYogi Smart PC Scan, iYogi Support Dock, iYogi Green PC and iYogi PC Optimisation.

How do you plan to move up the value chain in the times to come?

The growing use and penetration of the Internet and new Web-based applications has consequently opened the door to threats and vulnerabilities, which affect the system performance and ultimately lead to degrading performance. If the threats are diagnosed early on, the impact on efficiency can be minimised considerably. Currently, a user only realizes that he needs technical support once the damage has occurred and reactive methods of support are used to recover from the loss.

At iYogi, we are developing our capabilities to not only provide support when demanded, but to also monitor, pre-empt and fix threats before they can cause any damage to the computer. This will be possible only by combining technology with processes that are capable of re-defining the way technical support is delivered today.

What is your India strategy?

Technically, we are capable of servicing any geography including India. At this stage, we are looking for the right kind of partners to find access to potential customers and provide them a consolidated, 360-degree solution and services for issues relating to hardware, software, network etc. We aim to launch our India services in the coming six to eight months. Our services will offer clients a one-stop solution for all their business needs.

I know that many of those who use the free Microsoft e-mail client like Outlook Express or Windows Mail (for free because it comes with Windows) or by e-mail Web-based services, such as Windows Live Hotmail service. What amazes me is that few of my knowledge, including professionals who are willing to pay in advance.
I bought Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 as an independent program started at the same time, four months ago, and could not be happier.
Here are features I like, at cost:

1. Compatibility between Outlook and Word

I often copy text from Word and paste into Outlook: format. Previously, when I do this is to use Outlook Express and Windows Mail, and the results are usually a disaster. I had to spend time reformatting the text, which I created in Word. It is equally effective for this purpose are not the same thing twice.

However, when I copy from Outlook and paste in the Word. Also, when I received a letter from other countries, I do not see how I can clean much more quickly than any free program.

2. Reported post

Outlook 2007, you can e-mail tag in your Inbox or other e-mail, using a function called "category".

Do you have time to process each message when you get it? Of course not. Categories Outlook allows you to label e-mail string of choice. I use words like "Time", "response", "research" and "Reading." Moreover, you can color code each category. It is a huge time saver, I will not lose the message. Or Outlook Express and Windows Mail have this functionality. Do not pay the previous version of Microsoft Office Outlook 2003

3. Find messages

Windows Mail has a good search function. I believe nothing. However, as a result, I had to open each message individually to see that file. Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 provides a solution. Now open the "Preview" so every time I select a list of projects, e-mail content is displayed in a separate window. Save minutes every time I need to find some, the rapid increase in hours.

4. Incoming e-mail editor

How long do you receive an e-mail may receive unsolicited messages from topics such as "again", "before" or white? Almost embarrassing, old topic information, and then change the subject completely different? In Outlook, you can change the subject line. I need to do is save the original, but the acquisition of [square brackets] much, so when I saw the list, I am well aware of the contents of the message. Outlook also allows you to change any other part of the information clearly.

Here are the main benefits that I received a letter from the pay.

In Canada, Best Buy is currently selling in Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 C US $ 159.99. Otherwise, you can download a free 60 day trial in 2007 of the category of English or French language, from the Microsoft.

How do I change the default settings?

Posted by Jonh Friday, July 10, 2009 0 comments

How do I change the default settings?
In the Outlook Security Settings folder, click New, so that a new project using the Outlook security form. Select the default security settings for all users option. You can not change the name of the security group.

Open the project's default option of Outlook E-mail Security Update has been installed. Figure 1 and Figure 2 shows the default settings of the Outlook security form. Explanation of each setting, please refer to Readme.txt file when you extract the downloaded file to run admpack.exe.

Noted that there are several options mentioned in Figure 2 Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) and Simple Mail Application Programming Interface (MAPI)'s. External programs can use the programming interface, Outlook Object Model rather than the automatic messaging. E-mail Security Update Outlook Simple MAPI function of restricting access to, instead of the CDO. CDO program settings apply to the separate system update CDO Security Update by 2000/downloaddetails/cdo2k.htm.

Can only create a default security settings item in the Outlook Security Settings folder. If there is more than one item, the default setting is, Outlook clients will use the settings from the recent Save the project.

How do I override the default security settings?

Your security settings can be individuals or groups of users more or less restrictions than the default settings. To override the default settings, follow these steps:

1. Create a new item in the Outlook Security Settings folder.
2. Outlook security form in the Outlook Security Settings tab, which Figure 1 shows, select group of security settings unusual choice.
3. To provide security group name.
4. Members text box, enter the name, separated by a semicolon, individual users, the Group will apply the settings. Did not provide the form of a button, let you choose the name from the Global Address Book (GAL); You must enter their own.
5. Press Ctrl + K, to resolve the name. If there is any name still does not have a prominent, which means that Outlook can not resolve the name. Check your spelling, and then press CTRL + K, and then try again to resolve.
6. Select your choice of two forms. See the readme file. txt files, a detailed understanding of each set.
7. Closed form, and select when Outlook is asked to save your changes.

You can not use distribution lists (racemic), in order to simplify the establishment of a member in step 4. Outlook E-mail Security Update does not resolve the members of the DL. Therefore, you must enter each user name.

In addition, you must be a member to take care of each user, there is only one Outlook security group, in other words, users seem to only one item in the Outlook Security Settings folder. If the user includes more than one group, the latest security settings to preserve a popular, and Outlook ignore any other person. Outlook E-mail Security Update will not check to see whether a user of Outlook included in the additional security group.

How do I override the default security settings?

Posted by Jonh Tuesday, July 7, 2009 2 comments

Your security settings can be individuals or groups of users more or less restrictions than the default settings. To override the default settings, follow these steps:

1. Create a new item in the Outlook Security Settings folder.
2. Outlook security form in the Outlook Security Settings tab, which Figure 1 shows, select group of security settings unusual choice.
3. To provide security group name.
4. Members text box, enter the name, separated by a semicolon, individual users, the Group will apply the settings. Did not provide the form of a button, let you choose the name from the Global Address Book (GAL); You must enter their own.
5. Press Ctrl + K, to resolve the name. If there is any name still does not have a prominent, which means that Outlook can not resolve the name. Check your spelling, and then press CTRL + K, and then try again to resolve.
6. Select your choice of two forms. See the readme file. txt files, a detailed understanding of each set.
7. Closed form, and select when Outlook is asked to save your changes.

You can not use distribution lists (racemic), in order to simplify the establishment of a member in step 4. Outlook E-mail Security Update does not resolve the members of the DL. Therefore, you must enter each user name.

In addition, you must be a member to take care of each user, there is only one Outlook security group, in other words, users seem to only one item in the Outlook Security Settings folder. If the user includes more than one group, the latest security settings to preserve a popular, and Outlook ignore any other person. Outlook E-mail Security Update will not check to see whether a user of Outlook included in the additional security group.

Google has set an fund with the Mindset adjustment agency it released newly for its Apps hosted communications and collaboration suite, Google said Tues.

That means, called Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook, didn't endeavor symptomless with programs that interact directly with the Look aggregation line, such as Windows Screen Seek. Specifically, Apps Sync, during artefact, incapacitated Windows Desktop Examine, which lets users attain message in Attitude.

Nonetheless, the new edition of Apps Sync for Microsoft Belief now entirety right with Windows Desktop See. The plug-in has ever worked decent with Attitude's person look article, according to Google.

Other replace to the Google way is that it now lets users admittance Windows Springy Hotmail via the Microsoft Staff Prospect Connector plug-in, which the Google slave didn't sustenance before.

Different enhancements to Apps Sync are the noesis to enable or invalid auto-archive during artefact and an developed two-way readjustment of notes in contacts, Google said.

Existing users give get the grade automatically. New users instrument comprehend the new variant here.

Google launched Apps Sync for Microsoft Mindset on June 9 in magnitude to dedicate users the alternative to use Mindset as a confront end to the Gmail and Calendar part of the Premier and Pedagogy editions of Apps.

Currently, the plug-in lets grouping happen e-mail, contacts and calendar items between Mindset and Apps, but it doesn't cater the untasted conservation of features that exist between Attitude and Mercantilism.

This is why a variety of business analysts are recommending that before decisive to follow Transfer with Apps, IT managers run tests of the plug-in to tidy careful that their Look users present not avoid functionality they necessary for their succeed.

The plug-in isn't free to users of the Casebook edition of Apps, which is free and constricted to 50 end-users per land. Apps Sync for Microsoft Look is for Apps' Execute edition, which costs US$50 per somebody annually, and for Apps' Upbringing edition, which is take and aimed at students, teachers and school staffers.

Microsoft didn't move to a petition for statement some the newest writing of the Google plug-in.

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